23 June 2024

Seven universities from Thailand presented an honorary doctorate degree to His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in a ceremony held at the Dungkar Dzong Royal Palace in Paro, Bhutan on June 19.

According to local media, Kuensel, the universities’ delegates travelled to Bhutan to present the honorary degree. HM King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck thanked the universities for their meaningful gesture of recognition, and the people and Thailand for their genuine friendship and goodwill towards Bhutan. 

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University presented His Majesty The King with the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Buddhism.

The Thai universities share a close connection with Bhutan having educated hundreds of Bhutanese students. The honorary degree presented to the King further strengthens the ties and close cooperation between the education sectors of the two countries.

Maejo University presented His Majesty with an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Organic Agriculture Management.

The seven universities included Rangsit University, Naresuan University, Maejo University, and Christian University.

In a related development, Bhutanese Prime Minister Dasho Tshering Tobgay and his spouse will visit Thailand on 25-28 June. It is his first visit after assuming his second term in January 2024. This year also marks the 35th anniversary of Thai-Bhutan diplomatic relations.

Thammasat University presented His Majesty with an Honorary Degree in the field of Creative Development.

During his visit, he will meet his Thai counterpart, Srettha Thavisin to strengthen bilateral ties. High on the agenda of their discussion are issues related to trade and investment, tourism, education, renewable energy, and human resource development. Furthermore, the importance of investment prospects in Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC), Bhutan’s new economic hub, will also be highlighted.

Chiang Mai Rajabhat University presented His Majesty with an honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree in Science for Sustainable Local Development.

Thailand and Bhutan have maintained close and cordial relations, based on the special bonds of friendship between the Royal Families of the two Kingdoms, the constant exchanges of visits at various levels as well as Buddhist linkages and cultural affinities.

Khon Kaen University presented His Majesty with an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Science in Agricultural Extension.
Mae Fah Luang University presented His Majesty the Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Social Sciences.

Main photo : Chiang Mai University presented His Majesty with the Honorary Degree of Science in Agriculture.