3 July 2024

The public has been asked not to try to get close to a runaway red kangaroo, which escaped from Chiang Mai Zoo this morning. Not only could people get hurt, but the animal could be startled and suffer heart failure.

Pupichit Chuaybamrung, chief of Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, said that those who spot the kangaroo should alert the authorities immediately.

“Officials plan to sedate the animal to prevent it from being harmed,” he said in a press briefing today.

Any sighting of the kangaroo, which is the largest of the species, can be reported by calling his mobile phone (089-555-6444) or Wuthichai Muangman, director of Chiang Mai Zoo (081-594-3547).

Meanwhile, veterinarian Kannika Jantarangsri explained that the red kangaroo is very strong and muscular. It is fast and can jump very far.

“A red kangaroo is easily startled and could go wild. In such a case, it could suffer heart or kidney damage. We have to find it within two or three days, otherwise it may die,” the vet said.

An investigation into the escape found that the two-year-old kangaroo, one of 23 such marsupials in the zoo, sneaked out of a cage in the Australian animal zone, when a staff member entered during the morning feeding time.

Officials failed to catch the animal, which hopped out of the zoo and along a road heading to Ban Huay Kaew village and Doi Suthep.

About 20 officials from the national park and Chiang Mai Zoo were deployed to search for it. They found its footprint, but have still not located it. They also fear that the animal could be attacked by dogs in the community.

The escape came to light after motorists spotted the animal hopping along a road and filmed it. The images went viral.

by Marisa Chimprabha
Photo: Sor Wor Por 91 Traffic Radio