7 July 2024

The seven election commissioners have agreed unanimously to go ahead with the district-level selection of senators this Sunday.

Election Commission (EC) Secretary General Sawaeng Boonmee said this afternoon that, despite a postponement having been proposed by the EC Office, the commissioners decided that there is no reason to do so.

Holding the selection on schedule, before the charter court announces its decision on the challenges to sections of the relevant law, will not cause any damage, he said.

Sawaeng also said that holding the selection is the duty of the commission and if, in the future, there is “an unavoidable but necessary situation”, the commission can exercise its authority to deal with it accordingly.

The proposed postponement was out of concern that the Constitutional Court may decide in favour of the petitioners, which may then lead to the invalidation of Sunday’s selections.

The selection of a new set of 200 senators is a unique three-step process, involving selection among the candidates themselves with no public vote, at the district, provincial and national levels.