6 July 2024

The Central Administrative Court has ordered the Election Commission (EC) to withdraw three regulations regarding the self-introduction of senatorial candidates. They are regulations 7, 8 and 11(2).

Regulation 7 states that senatorial candidates can introduce themselves in 2 pages of A4 paper, specifying their personal information, educational background and work experience in whichever of the 20 background groups they represent, plus an ID-type picture of the candidate.

These introductory documents cannot be distributed at polling locations.

Regulation 8 states that senatorial candidates can introduce themselves through electronic means, using only the information from Regulation 7 and that such information may only be disseminated to other candidates.

Regulation 11(2) stipulates that, from the date of the enforcement of the Royal Decree regarding the selection of the senators until the date of the announcement of the results by the EC, candidates who are members of the broadcast media, entertainers, musicians or MCs are prohibited from making use of their professions or capabilities for self-publicity.

Responding to news of the order, EC Secretary General Sawaeng Boonmee said he could not speak on behalf of the Commission because he has not yet seen the full text of the order.

He did say, however, that whatever that the court has ordered, which is beneficial to the public, such as the protection of the rights of the people, the EC’s Office will comply and report to the Commission.

He also said that whether the EC will appeal the court order to the Supreme Administrative Court will depend on the Commission’s view of the public benefit of the order.