18 June 2024

The Thai Senate endorsed today, by a majority, the controversial marriage equality, bill which paves the way for same sex couples to marry.

The caretaker senators spent about three hours deliberating the bill before voting.

The vote was 130 in favour and 4 against, with 18 abstentions. It will now be submitted to the Constitutional Court for consideration, after which it will be presented by the prime minister to HM the King for Royal assent.

The bill will become law 120 days after its publication in the Royal Gazette, which will make Thailand the first of the 10 ASEAN member countries to have such a legislation and the third in Asia.

The highlights of the bill are that two individuals, regardless of gender, can get married or engaged legally, when both of them are 18 or older, and one party can seek compensation from the other in case of a divorce due to infidelity.